Action | Key |
Play / Pause | K or space |
Mute / Unmute | M |
Toggle fullscreen mode | F |
Select next subtitles | C |
Select next audio track | A |
Show slide in full page or toggle automatic source change | V |
Seek 5s backward | left arrow |
Seek 5s forward | right arrow |
Seek 10s backward | shift + left arrow or J |
Seek 10s forward | shift + right arrow or L |
Seek 60s backward | control + left arrow |
Seek 60s forward | control + right arrow |
Decrease volume | shift + down arrow |
Increase volume | shift + up arrow |
Decrease playback rate | shift + comma |
Increase playback rate | shift + dot or shift + semicolon |
Seek to end | end |
Seek to beginning | beginning |
Jean-Jacques CASTERET
Ethnomusicologue, Responsable du Pôle Culture & Société à l'Institut Occitan d'Aquitaine
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